Capital Projects

802 Plainfield Road/Garden View Park

Construction is underway at the District’s new Garden View Park, located at 802 Plainfield Road.

The District was awarded a $600,000 OSLAD Grant in 2023 from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources to assist with developing the former maintenance facility site.

Coming this Fall/Winter will be: community gardens, along with a large pollinator garden. The project will also include a splash pad, as well as a playground, shelter, perennial maze and many shady picnic areas.

Driftwood Park

Construction is almost complete at Driftwood Park, located at the corner of Darien Club Drive and Exner Road. Watch our website for an updated completion date and stop by to visit Darien’s newest playground!

A new feature is a small shade structure with picnic tables, which makes it perfect to pack lunch and visit!